Snapchat is a very popular social media app which is gaining lots of popularity nowadays and the major reason for its popularity is the amazing features it provides to its users like snap streaks, snap scores, etc which are fun for the people using this app. In this blog we are going to guide the users about why are snap scores not updating or how the users can increase them.
About Snap score
Snap score actually is the score number which is calculated by snapchat from the amount of snaps the users have sent as well as received on snapchat. The users can see the snap score for their account from their profile.
Snap scores not only include the sending and receiving of snap scores but it also analyzes the overall activities of the users on this platform. If the users are very much active on the platform their snap score will be high and vice versa.
Activities which Affect the Snap Scores of an Account on Snapchat
Here are the numbers of activities which are considered while evaluation of snap scores for the users.
Sent as well as received snaps
Stories viewed by the users and also the stories added by the users
Watching discover videos
Adding new friends to the account
The active status of the users
How to Increase the Snap Scores?
Even though the score on snaps is nowhere useful for the users yet they find it fun to maintain it and to grow it. Increasing snap scores is an easy task but still the users need to put some constant efforts into it so that they can make their score go up quickly.
Making daily streaks
Snap score so the users be easily increased by them by simply creating streaks with their friends. In streaks at least one snap is sent and received by the users which will help them for how to bring your snapchat score up.
Posting Stories and viewing Stories
The users can increase their snap score by posting stories regularly and if they view stories of other people then also their snap score will increase. So, basically one trick is to do not miss out on the stories to increase score.
Adding more friends
Adding more friends to the account is also going to help the users to increase the score on their account and not only this but the users can also make streaks with more people if they will add more friends.
Being active on snapchat
Snapchat also evaluates the time the users are active on the platform while deciding the snap scores so the more the users will be active on this platform more their snap score will be. So the users should try more filters and should also chat with friends on snapchat. If the users are wondering how often does snapscore update then let us tell them there is no specific time it will keep increasing if the users perform more activities for it and it will stop if the users will stop.
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