Amazing Charts EMR – Features and Integration


If you are considering using an EMR, you should know that you are not alone. There are many other users of Amazing Charts EMR who will be able to give you good feedback. These users can also tell you whether they like the product and which features they would like to see. You should also look for its pricing, customer service, and integrations with other practice management software.


One of the many benefits of Amazing Charts EMR is its e-prescription feature, which allows you to send your prescriptions electronically to a convenient pharmacy. This feature also alerts you to any drug interactions, making the process of writing prescriptions easier than ever. In addition, this feature helps to ensure the safety of your patients by preventing the accidental misprescription of a medication.

Amazing Charts EMR is certified to meet HIPAA and Meaningful Use standards. It can replace pen and paper medical records and can ingest data from outside agencies. It also allows you to streamline your workflow by ensuring that each patient has access to the information they need to be healthy. It also provides an accurate picture of a patient’s health, which in turn improves patient satisfaction. Furthermore, it simplifies the billing and scheduling process, which turns patients into repeat customers.

Customer Service

Amazing Charts EMR is a certified EHR that helps physicians manage and track their patients’ health records in a single system. Its flexible design lets doctors tab through patient information in the cloud or on-premises, and it provides 24 hour, device-agnostic access to key patient information. The software also comes with hundreds of clinical templates, helping doctors reduce the need for redundant documentation and improve patient satisfaction.

Amazing Charts’ customer support is lacking and can be difficult to contact. Upgrades are often required without advance notice, and even then can introduce new problems and costs.


The cost of Amazing Charts EMR depends on the features and configuration chosen by the user. The more advanced features a user selects, the higher the price will be. The vendor does not publicly disclose its pricing model, so prospective users are encouraged to contact them for a price quote. Users have given the software favorable reviews across multiple online resources, and many find it easy to use and customize to their practice’s needs.

Amazing Charts EMR pricing is competitive and flexible. The program is affordable, and the software has a comprehensive dashboard and secure messaging. It also has patient records, scheduling capabilities, and integrations with other software. Patients can view their records, view their bill, and take action right from the software.

Integrations with practice management software

Amazing Charts offers a full range of practice management solutions, including an e-prescribing feature that allows physicians to easily find and rebook patients’ prior appointments. The integrated system also enables physicians to track the number of missed appointments and no-show appointments, and will automatically create and store an electronic superbill for billing purposes. Other features include practice management solutions, billing services, and billing workflow.

The system is extremely user-friendly, making charting simple and efficient. It supports multi-users and is available on premise or in the cloud. Users can also access the system 24 hours a day, as well as on mobile devices. The system is also device-agnostic and offers preconfigured dashboards to track important metrics. This powerful solution also includes numerous features to help physicians improve workflow, reduce clinician burnout, and connect administrative staff.


Amazing Charts EMR is an electronic medical record solution that offers many different features and functions, such as scheduling, e-prescribing, interoffice messaging, charting, and more. With support for multiple specialties and multiple locations, this system is a great choice for independent medical practices. Amazing Charts is owned by Harris Healthcare, which also has a number of other ambulatory care solutions. In addition to EHR software, the company also offers practice management, population health, and remote care solutions.

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Our Opinion

Amazing Charts was founded in 2001 by a family physician and has grown to be one of the most affordable EMR solutions available to private medical practices. It’s been recognized by numerous review sources as being among the best on the market. The product is also Meaningful Use Certified, meaning it meets current compliance standards. It supports e-prescribing and has been used by more than 4,000 different medical practices across the U.S.

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